Pono means ‘goodness, moral values, right or proper conduct, excellence, well-being, wealth, success, wealth, use, purpose’.
‘Ana’ Oia i ka hopena ‘.
Wana Kahili
The pono bird melted my heart:

The color purple has always meant a lot to me. In my soul, that color is always associated with my sister who moved from this worldly world to another in late 2018.
Purple is the color of strength, endurance, love, the present moment, perseverance, skill and dedication. I am so grateful for this journey, I wrote these writings almost in one sitting January day, on a very cold day. The first bird, ‘Ike, was the only one just sketched on paper. I didn’t know then what was going on or going to be – I only had as an experience a shaky feeling – that my stuck thoughts and my body and mind were finally finally jerking in motion – be it due Huna, soothing (often piano) music (every day), impressive audiobooks (many times a week), SSRI medication (currently 2,5 mg per day), psychotherapy (once a week), self-love (every moment), meditation (every day), my dear family (every single day), exercise (every day), dog (every day), the impact of life itself (always) – I hope I can now say that I am starting to find my soul and my life direction in the loveliness of the meaning and light. Birds fly, so do we, if not quite physically in the sky, then our souls will soar in this magnificent universe, laughing, giggling, funny, in the stream of life! Thank you for being there, and thank You for Being there, just You, Beloved (always!)!
With Pure Love, Teija and Pelonteet (including birdy-wirdies, 1-7 aka ‘Ike, Kala, Makia, Manawa, Aloha, Mana and Pono)