Hi Dear friends of Pelonteet,
Now I got the wheels rolling, figuratively and concrete!
Thanks to my beloved spouse, I got inspired to order my sites logo as stickers. It’s exciting to see, if some new Pelonne friends will find their way to my site. And if nothing else, that other vehicle is soooo in the Pelonteet spirit as can be💜💜💜💜

And furthermore, if you haven’t notice, site is now bilingual! So you can wink at you friend speaking london dialect about this Home sweet home of Pelonteet in the internet.
This just is sooooo great and beautiful, the logo as well as the vehicle (which by the way is ecological, it runs on electricity ;))
Bonuspoints to whomever who knows what symbol is that light, which is hanged to operate as a tail light! 💜

Stay safe and healthy, drive safely and let’s hear (on read) soon, I hope!💜
With love, Teija – Mothership of Pelonteet.
Post scriptum. If you are a english speaking person, could you please check out my translated book – Hotti Meets Pelonteet – some of the funny wording is my own making, but if you find some really weird translations, please give me a wink, pretty please darlin’! 💜💜💜💜💜
With Love, Teija