Welcome to the Pelonteet Kotikolo, a wonderful, ridiculous and laughable new dimension.💜

Pelonteet is about the Joy
Pelonteet are spiritual release. Lightening of the body. From the realization that You are – we Are – so much more. Everything else is imaginaeriumish.
- 💜🦋💜
- See’em
- feel’em
- Laugh’em
- Joy and Games! 💜🦋💜
What you can do here in Pelonteet Home-Site:
- Meet different Pelonteet 💜
- Order Your own Copy of English ’Hotti Meets Pelonteet -book!
- Explore Pelonne-books pdf:s…💜
- Peek on Pelonne-Postcards💜
- Get Inspired and most of all .. 💜
- Laugh at this L i f e!💜
- Pelonteet MotherShip babbles about thingies regularly irreregularly 💜
- And have you already checked out Pelonteet YouTube-channel? 💜
- Have you spotted any Pelonne-vehicles? 💜
- Rainbow paintings from pictures…
- And some Pelonne-Tarot thingies [some day maybe upcoming page…] 💜💜💜
- With love, Teija -Pelonteet Mothership💜

🦋💜 Pelonteet on YouTube! 🦋💜